When Mary Hansen was treated like a lowly criminal for failing to upkeep her yard from debris and weeds, this 68 yr old woman called Legal-Eagles.org for immediate help.
Mary had recently suffered a terrible tragedy of losing her 18 yr old grandson in an automobile accident. Unable to keep up with the grass cutting and trash, her local municipality in Ohio charged her with four misdemeanors for property ordinances.
Never so much as being arrested in her long life, Mary now faces a black mark and the threat of imprisonment. Legal-Eagles reached out to the Municipality prosecutor as well as her public defender who withdrew from her case.
Legal-Eagles was able to get new counsel to meet with Mary and obtain a continuance for her upcoming trial. We were able to get counsel to review mitigation evidence and character witnesses.
We advised counsel to negotiate for a dismissal of all charges. We also were able to help Mary gather documents and craft a narrative to present to local media who are interested in the case.
Below is a testimonial from Mary. We will keep you posted as to the outcome of this awful injustice. In a day and age when hardcore criminals are taking over the streets of the United States, prosecution of this elderly woman with a pristine record is deplorable.